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EnergieCity Leipzig GmbH

Short summary

This page is not a complete translation of this website. Instead, it provides a brief summary of EnergieCity Leipzig’s activities for international visitors. If you’d like additional information, feel free to contact us!

Who are we?

EnergieCity Leipzig is a marketing and distribution platform as well as a centre of excellence for energy efficiency, renewable energy, and sustainable construction and refurbishment. Although a small firm with about ten members of staff, we work together with a large group of partners (over 50 companies) who support our activities financially as well as with equipment and expertise.

What do we?

The main focus of our activities is building and running EnergyEvent Centre Leipzig. In the first phase, we are erecting a two-storey cube-shaped exhibition building as an information hub and venue adjacent to the main railway station in central Leipzig. When complete, EnergyEvent Centre will contain 400 square metres of exhibition space, including 100 square metres for lectures and other events. The building is designed as a Plus-Energy House and will be equipped with several pioneering technical features. We expect to attract more than 26,000 visitors annually. In addition, the building will be regularly used as a venue for special events by our partners from industry, business, and public and private institutions as well as chambers of commerce, professional bodies and private educational establishments.

In the long term, we plan to build a large technology centre that will also serve as an interactive exhibition for energy efficiency, renewable energy and sustainable building and refurbishment. In the shape of ‘spindle building’ (similar to the Guggenheim/Mercedes Benz Museum), it will contain floor space of about 8,000–10,000 square metres.

Our goal is to create an interactive exhibition where visitors can explore sophisticated themes such as the energy transition and climate change using state-of-the-art equipment. We intend to make consumers aware of their power and encourage them to act. We want to highlight how even small steps can make a big difference if enough join in, and that a more sustainable lifestyle doesn’t necessarily mean a lower quality of life.

Another aim is to provide a networking platform for employers, policymakers, non-profit organizations and other actors working for the energy transition. We find that interdisciplinary teams are the best way to forge innovative solutions.

EnergieCity Leipzig is also participating in several research and development projects focusing on innovative energy technology. We mostly focus on the role of demonstration partner in these projects, developing strategies to communicate the project findings and presenting them to professionals and the general public in our exhibition.

Image: The planned Energy Event Centre next to Leipzig Central Station

Why Leipzig?

The region around the city of Leipzig is an important area for Central Germany’s energy sector. Leipzig has an energy and environmental technology cluster consisting of commercial companies, administrative bodies and research organizations like the German Biomass Research Centre and the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research.

Leipzig is also known as the cradle of the 1989 Peaceful Revolution which ultimately led to the reunification of Germany. We’re determined to spark another ‘peaceful revolution’ among consumers choosing a sustainable path to the future – and to become a driving force for greater energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources.

How can we work together?

If you’re a company, non-profit organization or public authority which actively promotes energy efficiency, renewable energy or sustainability in general, we’d be delighted to share information with you. We’re always pleased to learn from other people’s experience and to spread the word about best practices from all over the world.

If you’re looking for partners in Germany for your projects or initiatives, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We have a very large network of contacts and can help you find a suitable organization.

For more detailed information in English, please contact:

Luise Ebenbeck
+49 (0)341 3559 1627